Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

We've all done it, right?

Taken that crappy photo that somehow became rather funny. :)
Yes, this is a part of me. :D I tried to take a photo of me and a friend of mine from work. He's going away for several months and I wanted a photo of him and me together. Since I had the sound switched on my iPhone of I didn't hear the camera go of and: voilà!
At work I had a great time! During the first two hours I taught 3 lovely youngsters Swedish and we had a great time! Lots of laughs and fun! They're doing really good! And I got a hug from one of them afterwards, that was really cute! :) Tomorrow we'll repeat the alphabet and start with numbers. :) And I spoke a bit of kurdish, just said 'hello' and 'I'm fine, thanks' and surprised another friend who didn't know I was learning it. :)
Now, back to my paper... It's going forward! And this morning I found a much needed reference I thought was lost. *pfew*!

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