Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

A sunny day

The art of
being happy lies
in the power
of extracting
happiness from
common things.

Henry Ward Beecher

Like a sunny day, or watching water droplets glistening in the sunshine.
There are a lot of flowers in Uppsala and they need watering on hot days. I've seen this before but not had the opportunity to take a photo. :)
Another great day! Been working with the younglings again and one of them got a great sunny smile on his face when he saw me. That's heart warming! :) Then I've been mixing Swedish and English most of the day; and then there was a bit of Kurdish thrown in the mix. But I'm beginning to be able to just say hello in Kurdish spontaneously, without thinking to much of what words to use, and that's progress. :) My head was spinning in the end of my day and I couldn't help the last person I sat with, so I had to ask for a college to help out instead. I'm really grateful that I have a day off tomorrow, even if I'm going to miss going into work.
If you think this photo looks a bit strange, it's because I did some experimenting with the HDR-function in Ps. If it's good or bad, I haven't decided yet.:)

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