It was fisheye on the infrared camera today...............

This was PD outside the nursery waiting on The Cygnet coming out.
He isn't anywhere as near stumpy as this shot makes him look.

I quite liked the patterns caused by lens flare when I pointed the camera straight up.

Squirrel started playgroup this morning and was so wound up when she got home she refused to have a sleep after lunch.
This meant she was a nightmare.
When we stopped at the playpark on the way home ..... which was heaving with kids of all ages ..... she wanted to climb everything - including the huge rope thing and threw a wonderful strop when it was time to go.
The Cygnet was so tired that he was bursting into tears over anything and everything.
I tried to break the pattern by pointing out the colony of mushrooms on the fallen log. It worked for all of about 2 minutes.

I think I will have to try a couple of different lenses on those mushrooms tomorrow.

First meeting of the new camera club committee tonight.
It went quite well and a sticking point over the clubs use of social media seems to have been resolved (and clarified over a pint afterwards).

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