Rubbish shot, rubbish drink
Possibly the most expensive rubbish V&T ever. Also the only shot I took today. £14 for 4 drinks - including 2 small soft drinks for the kids. Rip off Britain?
Busy day: morning at my mam and dad's doctor getting an epipen (adrenalin jab for folk with allergies) for Conor, since I left his in France. I think him throwing up in the waiting room for no obvious reason got us in to see the doctor sooner!
Then off to Newcastle for our flight to Malaga. Katherine decided to catch up on the throwing up contest she's obviously secretly having with Conor and was air-sick, spending most of the flight with her head in a series of sick bags. I had the classic annoying passenger in front of me, who put her seat right back then leant slightly forwards so she could see her book properly, slamming back in her seat occasionally to give us all the frights of our lives (and me two rather bruised knees). Any time I accidentally bumped her seat while retrieving a dropped sick bag, she turned round to give me the filthiest look. But all this I could take: the clincher was that she was reading her book with it folded back over in half, like you might with a cheap colour supplement.
Rude airline passengers I can take; crimes against books are something altogether different.
After a windswept drive along the motorway (convertible: the kids loved it for the first 20 minutes, but stopped enjoying it once the novelty wore off) we set to following the directions from our hosts: come of the motorway at junction x, once on the dry riverbed, take the second of the pair of driveways on the left. Somehow, in the dark we found the way through the maze of roundabouts and streets that link the two parts of those instructions and made it there in the end.
Not sure the car hire company are going to be too happy about the off-roading we're doing!
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