From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

A cheery little chap

I nearly got a picture of Iceland Man today! The retired window cleaner and his wife who live opposite always shop in Iceland which doesn't only stock frozen food. I only used them once about 15 years ago when home delivered online grocery shopping first started over here in the UK. I was probably one of the first people to jump in there to try it out.

I have always detested shopping. I used to do it after work on Thursdays and I'd always be hungry so I'd end up buying loads of rubbish I had no chance of using before the sell-by-date and I'd forget half the things I was supposed to get. Forget road rage; I always had trolley rage. Shopping is a horrible pastime! I don't know many people who enjoy grocery shopping.

I think Dad liked it in a weird way. He just enjoyed hunting out bargains and special offers. He'd always check his receipt meticulously when he got home to ensure that Morrissons hadn't fiddled him. Once he drove all the way back there with two Toblerone bars when he noticed he'd been charged full price for them when they were supposed to be on special offer. He probably spent more in petrol going back there than the reduction would have been. Anyway, I haven't inherited his money saving ways.

Where was I? Oh yes, Iceland! I only tried their delivery service once. Their substitutions were really odd! No tea bags so they gave me a tin of tomato soup and get this - no Richmond Irish Sausages so they gave me razor blades! I didn't order from them again although I imagine they aren't that bad these days. I peered out of my bedroom window with camera poised but decided to leave the 100 year old man shuffling up the drive with two carrier bags alone. I think I'll stick with Tesco Man.

This little chap was the only one who hung around for a photo by Bony today. It was either this or a pork chop.

Track? This was the first song on Radio WM this morning at 5am and you can't beat a bit of Bowie, can you? - Ashes to Ashes

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