Hiding behind Sohpie

Hi everyone!

First of all, happy September! God, where has the year gone!? So, today, my sister & nieces came up for a little while. I took a few photos with Sophie, and this was the one where I looked the least creepy.....

One of my friends from the cruise who I thought was ignoring me started talking to me again! She didn't give an explanation, but she was asking about when we're next meeting up, and we've decided on the 12th of October (Yeah, it's a while away, but we barely have any school holidays between now and then, and school really takes up a lot of time!), so I'm looking forward to that!

However, one of the girls (Hannah) who I've talked about before, says she's not coming, because she 'is really busy and can't be bothered going all the way to Falkirk', which is about an hour away from her. I said I'd go to Glasgow if that made things easier, but she still said no. I don't know what's going on there - maybe she is genuinely busy - but it seems a bit strange, and a couple of others in the group are a bit upset about it. Ah well, just have to see what happens I guess!

And finally, our wifi has been bugging the hell out of me! My iPad keeps losing connection, so I have to reset everything, and now my laptop is refusing to connect too! We're gonna get a new route next week, so hopefully that'll fix it! In the meantime, it may take me a while to reply or comment - I've had to reset the router twice just whilst typing this!

Have a good week!

Steven :)

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