
3years 315days

We had a busy but great day today. We went swimming together in the morning. For various reasons its been a couple of weeks since we have and she loved it. She is really making up her ground on her front swimming now, and is trying very hard to master breast stroke, and boy is she fast on her back. Her underwater, diving down to objects has improved too. And we had lots of splashing, laughing, giggling and chasing too.

A quick dash to church- she was a little uncertain when she arrived to discover that HER cousins in fact had their other cousins visiting and she did not much like that cousin2 was cuddling someone else. Her aunty worked hard, bless her, ensuring that she split herself between Katie and the others, and The Cousins tried hard too to make Katie feel ok. Between their efforts and little friend lydia arriving, all worked ok.

After church we made a fairly swift exit for a bite of lunch and to get changed before we headed off to the afternoons wedding- friends of ours, so Katie came too. Katie wore her "Abbie's wedding" dress and looked adorable with her curly hair in full flow. She fell asleep on the way and so stayed in Victoria's car (with her!) for nearly 90 minutes. She was very sweet during the formals, just coming and cuddling my legs every few minutes as I worked. At the reception, they had a play as I finished my main stint, then we all had a very delicious meal. Katie was so good through it. After, her and some of her friends had a crazy half hour inside, so we took the crazies outside, along with a couple of rolls for the ducks that reside in the nearby lake. The children charged for over half an hour, before we packed up and headed home.

As I backed up and double backed up, Katie gave victoria a full performance of her writing, her counting, her pattern following, her shape drawing. She was very proud of herself. Despite doing a lot of pages of her activity book, she still wanted to do a reading book and soaked it up. This past couple of weeks she's been obsessed with spelling, and now has decided she wants to follow it with reading, so we shall see how we get on.

(Image courtesy of victoria- thank you. edit by moi)

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