What a wonderful world...

By KathH


Lots of shots to choose from today but this was from the start as we headed up Blencathra whilst the weather was promising good things for the rest of the day. This was looking down towards Keswick (I think) and the sun suddenly came out - all the photographers I know would have been shouting 'light'!!!

This was a walk I'd not tried before - well worth it for feeling a bit remote and high up but without having to trek for miles over hard ground to get it - the weather started turning about 2km up so we turned and came back down. Can't have been too bad as toddler fell asleep in the rucksack carrier for the first time - obviously the view wasn't riveting enough!

After Blencathra we headed for Grasmere and lunch at Tweedies before deciding to try out Tarn Hows near Coniston. Not so successful - we abandoned this one about two-thirds up as the path was a bit tricky with a 2st toddler in your rucksack and went for Yew Tree Tarn instead - very nice and we even got some reflections...

Circuitous route home via Kirkstone Pass to get up high again whilst the weather was still good. Not looking so promising for the next couple of days but fingers crossed.

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