Plum Bum(s)
Finally some rain. We've been waiting for proper rain for about a month now, and it arrived big-time last night. After a day of slightly gloomy, close, but still hot weather, listening to storms rumbling around us but not over us, late last night the weather broke with a roof rattling storm. It rained quite a lot during today as well, though happily not until I'd been picked up from the market. It is typical of course that the rain has arrived during the one day that that the 4x4 is parked in the back garden... Meaning all sorts of damage when we finally try to get it out. But I suppose it's only scrubby grass and perhaps being all torn up by tyre tracks will be a stimulous to actually do something with it.
Today I shopped well in the market (olives and fruit mainly - having found an organic seller who sells cheap plums, peaches and the most delicious tasting apples for ludicrously small sums of money) while Mr B did the boring supermarket shop and then we headed home to marinate the purchased olives and gloat over the largest melon in the world. And, of course, photograph these plums, which caused much amusement for the kids and brought back memories for us old folk of watching That's Life and was perfectly timed to reflect last night's Blackadder episode with the thingy-shaped turnip.
Later, much cleaning and nagging the kids about tidying their rooms. Predictably, Mr B started work on a dining room floor DIY task he's been talking about since we moved here just as I went in there with a broom to clean it. After a thousand nails and some very imaginative swearing, the floor is now slightly less likely to trip up his accident-prone Dad tomorrow. Earlier Mr B had spent several hours taking the hoover to bits to 'fix' it. It now works exactly the same, but with fewer of its external components attached - so definitely no chance of taking it back to get it fixed under warranty. Sigh.
I am determinedly relaxed about tomorrow's visitors. I will be less relaxed on Monday when Mr B sods off to Amsterdam to start work and I will be single-handedly looking after his parents and Aunt until Friday night. I may go mad. Blip may have to wait for a while...
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