
By Angelique


Well the weather forecast had said sunshine and showers. And they were right, although the rain didn't really take a hold until late afternoon.

Usually getting into the show takes a long time with traffic queues, but fortunately traffic was light. Having parked the car, we went in search of our first meeting with friends in the WI tent. We knew exactly where to look, in the 'cup of tea' queue.

Phoebe was checked into the dog show with appropriate class numbers, and told to come back after By now it was 12.25 so whilst Mr A went off to look at his beloved tractors (he used to work for County Tractors in Fleet and holds fond memories), I was allowed to wander to look at all the many treats on offer.

We agreed to meet at the Members tent for our lunch which we duly did, then Mr A joined a drinks queue for the next 25 minutes. It was all getting very frustrating, especially as we were due back for the Dog show.

However, after much more queueing for food, when it finally arrived, it was good. So after eating, we went and watched a bit of the dog show but soon realized they were running very late. They take it so seriously. We eventually returned in time for Phoebes first class, The dog who can do tricks. I had bought a little pink 'frock' for her to dance in, one of her party pieces. She took one look at the judge who was female, and decided she wasn't in the mood. Too tired, too many distractions etc. Oh well, I thought, at least I dont bribe her to dance with food, which was what everyone else was doing. After that, Mr A decided we weren't going to subject her to any more waiting about and humiliation, so we went back to meet with other friends and catch up with news.

It was then the heavens opened and I have never seen so many people disappear so quickly. One minute, whilst we had been talking in the tent, we turned around and all the seats were empty. It was quite weird. We traipsed back to the car in the rain, not sure who looked more bedraggled, Phoebe or me. But then we realised we had quite a long queue to get out before being able to get back to our dear friends Sue & Tony who we had shared a holiday in Cyprus with earlier in the year.

We didn't leave them until after 8pm, Phoebes staying in the car whilst we shared a delicious meal Sue had prepared for us. We hadn't expected them to be so generous, and again we do miss close friends.

It was strange coming back to a town we left 11 years ago. Although we love meeting all our friends, I didn't like the way some people behaved. Being an Agricultural show, it brought out a lot of people who have too high an opinion of themselves. Money, or those who think they are wealthy, is sometimes a horrible affliction, or did I mean affectation!!

However, the highlight for me was spending time in Winchester yesterday, bringing back some wonderful memories of the time I worked there, and sharing time with my Sister and brother-in-law. We hope to holiday with them again next year and catch up on too many years apart.

The above scene, was captured in between waiting for a lager and then waiting for my ordered lunch. I know it's some kind of driving contest in costume. And I'm sure someone will tell me what it's called.

Thank you for having the patience to read all my ramblings and your generousity. Sleep well - I know I will. And keep healthy, and happy.

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