It has been an extraordinary day and not what I expected. We got up this morning to get ready to take Matthew out as per usual. But at just after 10.00, we had a call from Longrun to say that Adrian was very upset and we might hear him 'howling and screaming'. As you can imagine we were very concerned.

So it was with trepadation we arrived and I went in to collect Matthew and see what was happening. It turns out Adrian has not slept for the last 2 nights and has been extremely distressed throughout the days. I wont go into all the details but we and the staff are very concerned. I feel he is in pain and trying to tell us. They think it is because his medication has been reducing over the last 6 months and as a result he has become more his 'old' self. I know what they mean as I had him at home until he was 17!!

Because Adrian cannot communicate his feelings or emotions it is very difficult to know what is going on inside his head. So tomorrow the battle will continue to find the right solution.

Meanwhile in Stogumber the four day Music Festival came to a close. Many people have worked tirelessly to bring music of all genres to our little village and we have been treated to the best from folk, jazz, classical and traditional music. Sadly, because of our circumstances we couldn't make todays performances despite having tickets. But family must and will always come first.

After going for our walk this evening, this was the view of the sky which I took standing on the upstairs toilet seat and hanging out the skylight window. Anyone passing by would have been quite surprised.

I hope your day has been better than mine. I'm sorry I have not been able to comment on many blips and I do find it difficult to 'keep up' and I have a feeling I might get worse!!

Sending love and hugs to you all. Rejoice that you can communicate all your senses and feelings in various ways. Never take that for granted. Autism is a very cruel condition and not like the Autistic Sevant portayed in Rain Man!!!

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