Last Of The Summer Wine :(

Hi Tom,

Today dad and I made the most of my last weekend off work.

I didn't manage to get up for my lake swim. I was up in the night because dad fell down the stairs. He got up to use the loo and fell head first all the way down. He bashed his head so hard that its broken through the hardboard wall at the end of the stairs. His arm is cut and he has a few bruises but apart from that I think he was very lucky. As I was up sorting him out for quite awhile I overslept. Never mind there is always next week.

We decided to go into town as we needed a few bits...we came back with so much more. We also stopped and and had a glass of wine...or Baroosh. It was nice enough to sit outside. I think this might be the last of sitting outside in the sun with wine though.

We had julie, Trev, Michelle and Dan over tonight for a BBQ. It was so nice. All fish and seafood. It started to get cold so we put the heater on, then the jumpers went on, then the throws came out, finally we gave in and went indoors, it was far too cold to sit outside. Just remember that when your basking in the sun.

I hope you play well in the game tonight. Last game before you move on to Los Angeles. I'm looking forward to chatting to you on Facebook x

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