
Three important/interesting things happened today.

1. Most importantly, it was my big sister's 34th birthday. Happy Birthday Jane! She is an archer, currently in a forest somewhere shooting for a competition. I hope it went well!

2. I completed my last and fastest 20 miler before the Loch Ness Marathon. Now I'm entering the taper period and I can't tell you how happy I am about that! 2 marathons in one year is quite tough. In 21 days, it will all be over! So tapering means I'll be running less over those 21 days to conserve energy for the big day.

3. The Riding of the Marches (pictured) took place in Edinburgh today. From what I can tell, the Riding historically marks the inspection of the 'Common Land'. Edinburgh's Common Land - the Burgh Muir was gifted to the people of Edinburgh in 1143.

Through history, every year, all town people who used the Common Land had to participate in an Inspection of the Marches of the Common Land and its boundary markers.

The Riding of the Marches returned to Edinburgh in 2009 and is meant to honour those who sought to protect the integrity of Edinburgh's Common Land and defend the inhabitants of this city.

I watched the Riding as it came down the Queen's Drive. It was quite an impressive sight - 248 riders in total!

Today's run: 20 miles
September running mileage: 47 miles
2013 running mileage: 803 miles

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