Mr & Mrs Allpress

A friend of mine, Neal, got married at the weekend. He and his lovely new wife, Michelle, were up in Edinburgh this evening. They're in Scotland for a short break after the wedding, but will be taking their main honeymoon later on. They live down near Huntingdon so it's been a while since I've seen Neal.

It was lovely to see him and meet Michelle. They're staying at the Scotsman Hotel - a place I used to work many moons ago. I met them for a drink and heard all about their big day and their family. I could have stayed and chatted all night, but I was conscious that it is their honeymoon of sorts, so I only stayed for an hour or so.

They looked very happy and I wish them a lifetime of happiness together. What a lovely evening. So tonight on blip, let me introduce Mr & Mrs Allpress!

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