A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

8 hours later

Thank you so much to everyone who dropped by yesterday evening for my lightning photo. Apologies for another one, but the storm continued until 5 am this morning so I had plenty of shots left to take!

That meant of course that Corin and I sat on the balcony until around 3.30 when my second battery finally conked out, camera under the big umbrella, whiskey in hand and firing the camera on 10-15 second exposures shouting at the sky to give me a good shot.

We were actually in the middle of the storm for a good 2 hours - and it was the most immense storm I have ever experienced - so the problem was that the lightning was striking all around - every direction we looked, there wasa lightning, but usually just before I had opened the shutter, or just after I had closed it. The lightning was playing around the radio mast down the road from us - taunting us a little - corin was focussed on the mast for about an hour waiting for a strike.

It absolutely pee-ed it down for about an hour - the devastation was apparent this morning when all the balconies and patios were covered in sand - sandy rain is what we get here.

I had to sleep with a pillow over my head - not because the storm was worrying me, just it was so spectacular that i wanted to get up and watch it, but by 3.30 we really had to sleep.

The best of the rest are here

Will catch up on comments shortly - James is hovering over my shoulder waiting to use the computer.

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