A night at the beach

Well, first of all, thank you to everyone who has dropped by and commented or rated pmy pictures in the last two days - I am overwhelmed with the response and chuffed to bits at hitting the rated page for the first time in my blip career. i think I have managed to check back and say thank you to everyone personally, but if I missed you - I'm sorry, but THANKS!!!

I cooked tea for mum and roy tonight - for a change, not cooked for 4 weeks! Then after clearing up, we all went to the beach around 8pm to play frisbee. It was absolutely heaving - people still sunbathing!!!

James decided he was going to have a paddle in the sea, and it was so warm he just took his t-shirt off and got straight in - wandering out, catching the waves, swimming around - which is very brave for james ...he was loving it. Corin joined him - fag in mouth - shorts held up in a typically "Brits abroad" style.

We all washed off - James using the footwash showers to do his "Bob Fossil" dancing (you would have to have seen the Mighty Boosh to know what I am talking about) - he looked suspiciously like he was using it to Pole Dance at one stage.

Coffee in half pint beer mugs at La Rodero which is a fantastic sea-food restaurant on the sea front - the owner greeted mum and roy like old friends, by name, big hugs ...lovely.

Then we wandered off down the beach found a relatively quiet spot and started playing frisbee. A lovely German family came along and their son, who was five, was transfixed by Corin running around like a nutter - he looked desperate to join in - so I asked his father if he wanted to play - his dad said "He does, but I would like him to ask you himself". Eventually he plucked up the courage and we all played for about 20 minutes, with his mum joining in too. It was absolutely lovely, and even nicer that he engaged with us all like he had known us forever - the same with his parents. When we left, I asked James to say goodbye in German and me and the other boy's mum had a quick chat about how lovely each other's children were.

Then home, bath for James to get the sand crust off, and now he is hovering at my shoulder waiting to use the computer.

Thanks again for your comments and visits over the last couple of days - it is very much appreciated.


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