A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Caramel, castle & craft

No, not all in the picture, I know!

So last night's sleepover shift saw me having one of the worst tossing-turning nights i have had in a long time. At 11:30pm I was Googling how to get caffeine out of the system quicker and by 1am I was pledging never to drink anything caffeinated again (a pledge that lasted all of 5.5 hours). I think the weight of my eyes finally won over the restlessness of everything else by about 2:30am!

Needless to say when I arrived back into the flat this morning I promptly flopped onto my bed fully clothed and stayed there sound-a-snoozing for the next three hours. Part of me felt like this was a silly way to spend the morning (though at least it was a wet one) while the other part realised it was this or be a perpetual grump for the remaining 14 hours of the day.

Tasty lunch then an afternoon of chilling, sending emails and working on some preparation for various things.

With it being September weekend there was no Rainbows evening so myself and the other two leaders met up in Starbucks to get the term planned. I had hoped for a chai tea latte but, alas, they had all sold out so it was caramel hot chocolate for me...nice, but just not the same. Productive evening with lots planned and an exciting program ahead :) (Castle-this particular Starbucks gives awesome castle views, crafts - well, this took up a lot of our discussion!)

While walking up the Mound on my way home I noticed a little crowd of people had gathered at the top. So, being the sheep I am, I turned to see what they were looking at and found myself looking across at a real beauty of a sunset. Sadly I didn't have my camera with me so had to settle for an ipad photo but it was lovely just to see it and not get caught up in camera technicalities :)

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