Post Triathlon Transition

Last triathlon of the year, it wasn't bad, but wet and blustery in parts but not too bad. Not got my splits yet but 3hrs 14mins was my finish time, that 11mins quicker than Bristol Standard Distance but the run was shorter today. I gave it all I could today so can do no more!

It's been a tough year so far and I have archived so much, completed my first half marathon, two standard distance tri's (1,500m swim, 40km bike & 10km run), and two sprint distances. When I look back to last year, my first year of open water tris I couldn't swim 750m front crawl, the year before I couldn't run 5km without stopping.

It's amazing what you can achieve with a bit of dedication and hard graft.

I need to have goals, next year ... a half ironman distance?

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