Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Morning sunlight

Yay, sunshine today! I had grocery shopping to do and had to go off to Weybridge on some other errands, so planned to stop off at the golf course on the way to get some photos. When I got there I realised that the sun was in the wrong position for my photo - or I should say, I was in the wrong position - but I did not have time to come back in the afternoon when the sun would have moved - or more likely it would be raining. So this was shot mostly into the sun but I did like the morning light sparkling on the water. This is a lake on a golf course that is also where the 18th hole is placed - one has to hit the ball over the water, which for me was impossible the few times I played here. (No wonder I don't play anymore!)

Then annoyingly the shop I had to go to in Weybridge had a sign on the door saying 'back at 10.45' and as it was 10am I was not going to hang around for another 45 minutes. I hate it when they do that.

Then back home to walk Murdoch before the rain comes in - the dark clouds are already bubbling up again.

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