Flowerpower's journal

By Flowerpower

Standing Tall(er)

Singing last night was fantastic. It was great to see everyone again and we sang some really beautiful songs. Magic happened (as it sometimes does) and we ended on a real high.

This morning I was up early to pick up Mother Flowerpower from the hospital and then I spent the rest of the morning contacting agencies and sending off my C.V. The weather cleared this afternoon so I went out for a walk and discovered that all the local wildlife had received a message from the BBC weather centre that said autumn has arrived and it's time to pack up your things and head off to sunnier climes or batten down the hatches and don't come out again until April, so I didn't spot one bird (that stayed still long enough) or any wildlife (not even a little spider or slug). So this is my blip for today. It's me with slightly longer legs than I normally have! Hello blipworld!

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