
By Fisherking

....ooh, ouch, aahh, ow...........

First gym session tonight......after last night's fiasco....back down to the gym at 6.30 after an hour with Charlie. She's staying here tonight, tomorrow and a large chunk of Saturday while the S & H and YH are at a wedding.

So....what did I do tonight?

Two sets of 10 chest press at 20kg
Two seats of 10 seated rowing at 15kg
Two sets of 10 seated leg curls at 15kg
Two sets of 10 leg extensions at 10kg
10 minutes on the tread mill 3% incline at 3.5 mph
10 minutes on the bike at 70 rpm
6 minutes on the rowing machine at 25 stokes per minute
3 minutes on the hand bike, forwards and backwards
10 minutes on the cross trainer at 50 rpm

Finished about two hours ago....starting to feel few little twinges....wonder what I'll feel like in the morning?

6 weeks of going twice per week..........and the next six weeks three times per week.

Next time I'm taking my i-pod.

Came away feeling breathless and perspiring....but also clutching my young, female, personal trainers home phone number and email details.....unfortunately only because she wants to be a teacher!............when she found out what I do for a living she said I was possibly her "perfect man"!.....sadly again...only because she wants to teach science....and needs to visit a school as part of her initial training!

So when I got home as well as having to explain to the daughter what I she could compare my training programme and gym with hers.......I also had to explain to the Boss why I had a 24 year old's phone number!

I think I might take to this.....Tuesday's, Fridays and Saturday afternoon sounds good to me.

As long as I can move in the morning!

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