....my little angel.......

Woke up this morning feeling surprisingly good...a few little twinges...but nothing much.

Charlie was stood at the door of her room...and the Daughter was up too...so we got her up and gave her breakfast before getting ready for work....and then we gave her to the Boss (grandma).

Another full on busy day at work....but the Boss did agree to let my trainer come and visit...and we ended with some really good news...some remarks came through and our results crashed the 50% barrier....some of us went for a beer to celebrate...and the Boss brought Charlie down to meet hebs...who hasn't seen her since Chinese New Year....... last year!

She's been an absolute treasure tonight and gone off to bed without any fuss....if she's awake in the morning.....I'll take her with me to the tackle shop when I see the boys.

Some of the twinges have grown into aches this evening....but I'm definitely going back tomorrow afternoon for session two!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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