wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Hard at work at the Common Ground Fair

Off we went to the fair this morning. The Common Ground Fair is in Unity Maine about 1.5 hours away. However with the construction it took 2 hours plus. The farm has no rides as it is a fair sponsored by MOGFA Maine organic farmers association. The g may refer to growers. Anyway they didn't allow coffee until a few years ago. I decided now that they have turned civilized it was time for me to try it again. Anyone who has ever been to a fair in Maine knows the only real reason to attend one is the food. You start at one end and work your way to the other. I started with Indian pudding in an edible bowl. Seriously I said? This is really an edible bowl? I was assured it was indeed an edible bowl. Oh it was edible. It also seemed to be a certified building material. Baked potatoes were 7.00. There was a guy selling pickles that were 9 inches long. Great I thought, there was a side show. All in all it was a great time. I was looking forward to taking some pictures but it was so crowded.On the way out I watched this little girl moving pumpkins out of this bucket onto an upturned milk crate. Totally engrossed I asked her Dad if I could snap a few pics. He said sure. I figured you would like her! Now off to a birthday dinner. Have a great night! Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

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