St Michael’s Mount in the mist…

is beautiful and atmospheric, except that the bad weather meant that there was no chance of a boat trip from St Ives to see the seals today, so we went to the National Seal sanctuary where we got up close with some of their resident seals. They are absolutely huge close up (they were just a few inches away through glass) and their size and power makes them seem quite scary – not as cuddly as they are from a distance. They are still absolutely beautiful animals though!! My favourite seals (about four greys) were those in the sanctuary’s convalescence pool, which is where I would have been today if I were a seal… Those mussels I ate for lunch yesterday have made me ill (one was not quite right but I’d already swallowed half of it before I noticed, but I’d hoped it wouldn’t affect me) and I’ve been feeling very rough and unable to eat all day. Mr K and my sweet mum just went to a local convenience store and got me some marmite, so I’m having a teaspoon of marmite in a mug of hot water for my dinner! I hope I’m better and raring to go tomorrow!
Bluebellsea :-)

I was allowed into the seal sanctuary with the humans and had a lovely time, although I didn’t know what to make of them at first. One of the staff in the seal hospital told us that seals are almost physiologically identical to dogs and that until recently they were treated with medicines created for dogs. When I heard this I got very excited about seeing them, but they are way too big for my liking… I would never be ‘top dog’ with one of those giants around!
Alfred :-)

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