The day after the storm ...

I had to go into town again for a second opinion re my neck and Elizabeth was kind enough to accompany me. She's a STAR!!!

These pix are some that I captured heading to the ferry, with some leaves and twigs blown around after yesterday's 'super' typhoon which wasn't very 'super'!

The city seemed very misty/polluted when we came into the harbour. There have sadly been some deaths in China because of the typhoon. It passed us by with just some strong winds, we've had worse black rains than what we experienced yesterday. I'm not complaining though and I'm grateful for the protection we have.

First though, I had a meeting with our friend's fiancée to discuss the wedding cake I will be making for them in October. She settled on a design that I really liked and I'm just thrilled. It'll be, hopefully, easy to day as I'll be preparing it a day after I get back from Dubai.

That done, Elizabeth and I headed to the doctors where we met with him for 2 1/2 hrs, yes 2 1/2 hours. He spoke to us in great detail what's happening in my neck and was able to explain really well what needs to be done. He sent me for some more X-rays to be able to see exactly what the deterioration is.

We left with a date booked for the surgery in October and I am now completely comfortable with what's happening. He showed us the ceramic discs he will be inserting to replace my existing ones, amazing!! Nearly blipped them. Now preparing for martin's departure to the US :( only this time I know exactly where he'll be cause we've just been there.

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