wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Wednesday wares at the market

My first day of my vacation started at the Portland farmers market. It occurred to me that I always walked by everything looking down. I thought about shooting from waist height. Whoa what a perspective! Fall is a beautiful time of year here. The air is as crisp as the apples I bought this morning! I went shopping this morning with my friend Patty. The last time I went by myself I got trapped in a shirt I was trying on and couldn't get out. It wouldn't go over my head or well ......the other way. I got laughing so hard that I tripped and fell. Well THAT wasn't embarrassing! Patty felt I wasn't safe on my own. She was a good luck charm I scored a cashmere turtleneck for 15.00. It will come in handy this weekend. This weekend is the annual retreat for my chorus. We stay at a children's camp in Hope Maine. It is a blast. There are rehearsals and team building but the best part is the talent show on Saturday night. There is no wifi or internet so I will have to back blip the weekend. Ok time for a snack. Wherever you are stay warm and enjoy the day!

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