wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Derelict Thursday the Bucknam Tavern

First of all....Thank you Thank you for getting me to the spotlight. For like all day!!!! I am always surprised at my photos that get there......it's an enigma wrapped in a taco mystery.

To find out more about this house, I think this link will work. It was built c 1770 to1790. One of the oldest buildings in Falmouth. It's about a 2 miles from my house.
I loved the sumac in front of it.

I charged my fit bit all night. So this morning on my way flying out of my room I grabbed the fitbit cartridge and shoved it in my back pocket. Where it sat all day. Or where I sat all day. My bum had quite the work out!! Seriously the numbers were pretty much in line with what it records each day. So it's nice to know that if you put it in a pocket it still works.

I went to the docks today to try and find a derelict building. Get this. There aren't many around. There are a ton of condos. A ton of condos. Very expensive condos.....with lots of sailboats in front of them.....
I remember the waterfront when I was a kid. There would have been no high end condos there. Each wharf was a pile of old derelict buildings and old fishing boats. It stunk. Funny thing, it still does. I can't imagine spending upwards of 500k for a condo and smelling that. Gurry, for someone, is liquid ok not so much gold.

Now it's gentrified, a word that was very popular in the late 90s early 2000s. At one point there was an ordinance passed that any new business or building on the waterfront had to pertain to fishing or the maritime industry. That is no longer. The buildings were not being filled and continued to deteriorate . It's probably a good thing. I guess somethings are supposed to be memories not tangible.

I wonder what memories people had of this tavern. Some say it's haunted. I can't imagine what a tavern in the 1770s was like. My first thought is ....omg.....hygiene. There were no showers then, no stick deodorant, no fancy shampoo..... Not to mention the food. There was no Rachael Ray in the 1770s. There was no sanitation........ok.....This is a gross train of thought.

I guess I need sleep, so off I go! Again thanks so much. I am now at 99 subscribers. I am beyond excited!!!!

Good morning my Down under friends and sweet dreams to the north........

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