
By RaceyTrace333

Empty Bed

and a hole in my heart.

It has been a tough week loosing Roxy. However, she is happy in her new home. She has settled in and has a new friend Max the Westie. Very much loved by her new mum and dad.

At the weekend I ignored my neighbour and on Sunday he opened the passenger door of the car as i tried to drive off the drive and came right in my face shouting at me and called me an f..... git!

So after a lot of friends advice i called the police and they have been round to see him, and warned him, then came and saw me.
Laughable he told the police that the reason he came into my face was because I was in an audi TT which is low and he has a bad back. So is that why he hurled abuse and nearly touching my face., with his?

So tough week, I am now ignoring him. A friend stayed last 2 nights as concerned for me with his actions and have other friends asking me to go round and sleep at theirs.

Hence not been on here.

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