Wednesday: Medicine Lake

Finally, slept all the way through so woke up feeling fresh and chipper!

Breakfast at The Bear's Paw Bakery before heading up the mountains on the Jasper Tramway.  The views were absolutely stunning and the temperatures were absolutely freezing.  Suffice to say, there was snow and ice involved.  It is amazing what a difference 1000m can make!

Once we descended into the warmth, we went for a drive to some of the lakes in the area. This is Medicine Lake which the local native Canadians used to view with huge superstition as the lake completely disappears at this time of year.  It is less spook than geography, as the main body of the lake is underground and the water that sits overground after the glaciers and snow have melted is just the excess water.  So, normally, the lake is much much fuller than this.

As for this evening, we were sitting in a bar, completely mesmerised by a baseball game (New York Yankees vs Toronto Blue Jays). We were so sucked in that we thought we could see ourselves becoming fans (once we have chosen a team, of course) but we have a lot of questions about the rules.......

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