
By zebra


I was a bit late to the gym today. But the benefit of that is that some sunlight actually managed to make its way into the studio! I saw the colours and the lighting and quickly looked around for a subject matter. Meshark, the instructor, was quickly approached, and agreed. I ran to my car and started snapping away. Upon seeing the shots, I told him to remember us when he is Kenya's next top model.

This is the second day I play with RAW. Still a bit of a mystery but it does point out that I need a computer that has a high resolution screen! Currently I have to take the shot, play with it and then reduce the size so that I can drop-box it to my phone. On the phone I can then see where things went awry...and repeat the process.

The other thing I realised today is that some people actually don't mind having their shots taken. I was so surprised! Meshark gladly obliged and it gives me courage to ask others!

The Westgate Mall is being combed for bodies and clues. I am still unclear if the place was rigged with explosives which were detonated thus making the few floors collapse. I am still unclear if some of the perpetrators fled the scene rather than meeting their demise during the collapse of the floors. I am still unclear of so many things...but time will hopefully clarify all this.

We did have a bit of a moment this morning when my wife put on her wedding ring. We had it enlarged at Westgate not too long ago. The shop we went to was one of the first as you enter the building. We started thinking about the people who served us and wondered if they are ok...

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