What's important?

My boy.
My husband (who was out getting important supplies of tea bags, milk and Vimto when I photographed Jimbo).

Pride in trying to do what I should be doing and trying to do the best I can.
Sometimes I get it wrong.
In fact, probably lots of times.
But my heart is in the right place.
I want what's best for the people around me, for my family, for the children I work with, the adults I work along side.
Just because my style or my decisions might not be to the liking of everyone I encounter, does not make me wrong, or bad, or mean that someone else would do it any better.
It is easy to judge when personal experience is not the basis of your judgement. It is easy to throw stones, metaphorically speaking.
I am in reflective mood.
I am feeling distinctly bloody minded.
I am feeling that I am being judged, sometimes publicly, sometimes privately and directly, sometimes in a very roundabout way.
I would like to say I don't care.
I do though.
But, what will it matter when all is said and done.
I am here, like all of us, for a limited time. When I am gone, I will not be remembered beyond the immediate generations of my family and friends.
How do I want to be remembered?
That I tried, that I believed in the good in people and that even when I was frustrated by the best efforts of the world to undermine what I wanted to achieve, I still tried.
Say your piece, if it is in anger, then make your peace afterwards. I have done a lot of that in the last two days, but lessons have been learned.

I am contemplating heading off the grid to some extent. Staying here in blipland, but retreating from other aspects of the online world. I'm not being rude, I have just decided that things in my life need to be put in specific boxes.

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