Coming in to land

When I turned on my iPad this morning I had messages from a few of you telling me that yesterday's blip had been used by Blip Central on their Facebook page - I was thrilled!

Fiona and Helena left quite early to drive to Exeter for their next university visit, and once they'd gone I took Louis out for a walk down to the beach and back via Rottingdean. When we got back I got ready to go out as I was meeting a new friend that I met at the gym, for lunch at the Marina. It was lovely and sunny so we sat outside at Cafe Rouge, and I was very good and just had a salad - I thought I'd better after last night's indulgences!

I decided to get the bus to there so that I could walk home along the under cliff path by the sea. It's about 4 miles, but it's a lovely walk, and after this morning's walk of about 3 miles, I feel quite good! About half way, I stopped to watch the seagulls and take some photos. It's always difficult to get a good capture as they're so fast, but I was pleased with this one who was coming in to land in the sea.

While I was out I heard someone calling my name, and when I turned round it was the girl who runs the social group that we joined, so I had a quick chat with her, then on my way home I bumped into my next door neighbour so we had a chat too. It's nice because we've been here two months now, and I finally feel that I'm starting to get to know people.

Anyway, Alan will be home shortly, and I think he fancies a beer - it is the start of the weekend after all. Have a good one!

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