Love is.....

A romantic moment whilst enjoying the view - but look closer, and you'll see that he's checking his messages on his mobile phone lol!

There was a lot of rain forecast for today, so we decided to go out quite early in the hope of fitting in a quick walk with Louis before it came. We planned to go Stanmer Park where there's an old mansion house that's now a restaurant & tea room, and which is dog friendly. However, I stopped off at our local butcher's on the way and we got chatting. I mentioned that we were going to Stanmer Park. I'm glad I did, as he told me that there was a music festival on this weekend, and it would be full of teenagers. S0 we ended up going to Devils Dyke instead.

We walked through the Dyke, and when we got back to the top we sat outside the pub and had a shandy before walking along the path with a view of the valley. I showed Alan where Louis had his death defying leap last time I was there, and made sure he was on a fixed lead, just in case he decided to do it again! Then we stood admiring the view, and noticed this couple have a cuddle. I thought how romantic, with such a wonderful view, until Alan pointed out that the guy was checking his phone!

Fortunately, the rain never came, and by the time we got home it was 20 degrees and the sun was shining. Alan said he fancied walking into Rottingdean, which turned out to be a great idea. We walked over the hill, and sat outside one of the local cafe's for a coffee and a cupcake, and then called into Elif's shop - the one that I was left in charge of, while she went to get my curtains. We had a chat, and bought a scent diffuser for the house and got invited to an event that she's holding in a couple of weeks.

We walked back along the coast, by which time the wind was picking up and the sky was starting to look quite threatening. But we've had a great day, and are now relaxing with a glass of wine - cheers!

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