Birthday Break

What a day!!!! It was so difficult getting up this morning feeling as rough as I did, but once up I got to grips with constructing the multi-layer cake I had planned on my head. Filled with my homemade rhubarb curd & lemon curd, I sat it in the fridge to chill whilst I got in front of my computer for the day. Late lunch came & I commenced with the icing & started the decoration before going to collect little F from school. I felt terrible as he wanted oh help & got upset when I asked him not too. Once I'd finished the cake, back in the fridge it went whilst I worked & F watched TV. I finally got finished & packed & we managed to leave about 7:15, about 3 hours later than originally planned. We got to Center Parcs (sans dog sick!!) at about 9:15- only about 30 minutes after Alex who left Didsbury at 5:30!! Welcomes were had & after a teary trauma tantrum over the top bunk Ferguson & Gracie settled to sleep & we got into a much welcoming comfy bed whilst watching a slice of late night TV (something of a guilty pleasure that we don't have at home...!) Lots planned for the weekend ahead..

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