From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Outside, Looking In...

It wasn't a struggle to get up this morning as I was awake at 4am! I looked about 300 when I left the house and went to Solihull McDonalds for my morning 'kill time' tea. I was like a zombie walking up the High Street to the council house. The pigeons were circling like vultures overhead while I shuffled along.

Groan! As soon as I got to the back door, I realised I'd left my door pass at home on the hall window sill and had to wait on the back step until one of the porters rescued me with a contractors' pass giving me strict instructions to give it back before I left at the end of the day. I was still first into the office though and was a bit like one of the three bears when I sat on my seat and nearly slid under the desk! 'Who's been sitting in my seat?!' Oh well, adjustments made, I settled down to hack my way through millions of emails that had accumulated in my absence. I just got through them by 12:11pm (it was supposed to be 12!) when John from the Desktop Team arrived to replace my PC with one of the new Xen virtual machine boxes. It's the new way forward with the modern office with hot desking etc. I didn't bother going out at lunchtime, deciding to spend the time getting used to the new box. The day passed quite peacefully really with only a couple of problem odds and ends to address before the week is out.

I was glad to escape at 3:15 though via the porters' office to drop the contractors' door pass off. This is possibly the worst photo I have ever taken with my phone of the most awful looking bus I have ever had the misfortune to catch. I mean, really! A pinky purple bus is not what you want to see ever. It was like an explosion in a Dolly Mixture factory! Those colours are OK for undies (although mine are all black - sorry!) but terrible for a bus!

However, it had wheels and got me close to home so I shouldn't moan really. It was the only picture I took today, my first day back at work after two weeks annual leave. I am now struggling to keep my eyes open through Doc Martin. I'm sure I'll liven up as the week goes on...

Track? Something from The Animals today. The clip is from 1966 which seems to be a good year for music etc. - Inside, Looking Out

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