The Gambler's 'Club'

I was a golf Orphan (at weekends anyway)...and we were NEVER allowed to watch Glen Michael's Cartoon Cavalcade on a Sunday afternoon if there was golf on TV (those were they days when you only had ONE TV in your house!)

The first week of the 'Glasgow Fair' holiday coincided with the Open. Dad wouldn't move from the holiday house TV until the second week.

His daughters were paid a Scotch Egg and a coke to Caddy for him (we preferred to caddy for his brother, because Uncle Stewart paid cash money!

Dad had an annual golf event. 3 or 4 of his friends played for the Gambler's 'club' trophy. Made from a cut down golf club and the very last 'Gamblers' golf ball.

The Gamblers also had a communal bottle of Whisky. Kept in a specially made canister with multiple padlocks. They all had a key. The Whisky could only be opened (and presumably drank!) when all of them were present with their keys.

I hated Golf, but I loved leaving the house early in the morning to caddy for my daddy.

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