The Fun Fair

Unfortunately, it's been a grey, wet day today, so my plans for mum went out of the window. I'd booked a table for lunch at the restaurant at Devils Dyke, but it's bleak up there when the weather's bad, and whilst I couldn't have taken mum on a long walk, the views are spectacular on a good day.

Instead we decided to go to the cinema to watch Diana which was an excellent film, and showed a side of things that I wasn't aware of. After watching the film we went to have a late lunch/early dinner at Cafe Rouge, and then tonight I went to my French lesson. As I didn't get any blip opportunities, I decided that I'd wait and take a night shot of the illuminated Pier after my French lesson, but that wasn't to be! When I got there it was closed and in darkness! Fortunately I'd taken this shot of the fair at the end of the Pier just before dusk. I've now checked the opening times and if I want a night shot, I'll have to go at the weekend sometime.

Alan's had a long day but has finally arrived at his hotel in Holland after having an hour and a half delay at Gatwick, as the Plane had broken down! And I'm still struggling with Louis' ear drops - he's quite happy for me to rub his ear and clean it with cotton wool, but as soon as I go near him with the drops he freaks out. I ended up buying a muzzle and managed to get some down tonight, so fingers crossed for tomorrow! I've changed his next appointment at the vets to Friday morning, instead of Thursday, in the hope that one extra day will help.

Anyway, it's late and I'm off to bed, so I'll catch up with you tomorrow, hope you've had a good day!

All the fun of the fair!

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