Catch me if you can!

It started out as another cloudy day today but it was warm, so I suggested we go down to the beach and take Louis for a walk, and then decide what to do when we got back. We walked from Saltdean to Ovingdean and by the time we were there, the sun had come out, so we stopped at the little beach cafe for a coffee and a cake before turning round and heading back - mum did very well as we walked 3 miles in total, albeit at a steady pace.

We had lunch at home and then decided to go to the Royal Pavilion as it was one of the places mum said she wanted to visit. I was very impressed as I got a 50% reduction on the entrance fee, because I'm a resident of Brighton! It's a very impressive place, and mum really enjoyed it - she said it was about 50 years ago when she was last there. There's a tea room inside the Pavilion, so we sat an had a drink overlooking the gardens, it was lovely.

There are lots of squirrels in the gardens, but they're not very tame and I spent ages trying to get a decent shot. They were so quick and no sooner had I focused on them, they ran off! As we were leaving I spotted two of them together, and if you held your hand out they would come over, but as soon as they realised you didn't have anything to give them, they ran away again. Anyway, with perseverance I spotted this one on the branch of the tree, and I managed to catch him before he ran off again - it was like a wild goose squirrel chase!

Barb's coming round for a drink later, so I'll go and make sure the wine's on chill - have a nice evening!

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