Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

The Antique

A lovely Wednesday today --nice soft rain, a walk and an afternoon in the studio. About 5:30 I fired up the sauna (which takes 1/2 hour to get hot) and sat down to download the photos for the day. Woops, there went the power. Off. Did bad things to my external photo drive so I just turned all off and waited til today, thursday. Think I’ll blip the power line today and that story....

Tuesday Tony the electrician and H had a talk about bikes (after troubleshooting the thermostat in the soapstone stove and fixing it!) as Tony just completed a bike marathon near Victoria in the rain. So they ended up looking at this antique that H rode to the UW in the 70s.... A Crescent Papita, used by the Swedish road racing team in the 60s, Reynolds 531 double-butted tubing, all Campagnolo components. He has a different bike now but couldn’t bear to give this one away. where does that stuff come? to the cabin of course. :-) It’s on a roller so could be used for exercise - but somehow that doesn’t seem right here. (plus that is one uncomfortable seat! ) It lives on the little loft in the cabin where an old desk and my computer sit. It was hard to photograph as it’s sort of dark there and I really wanted to show the white caps on the water (windy mid day) out the window but couldn’t get them even with lots of HDR. And this was about the bike so had to resort to the dratted flash to show the details. It deserves a blip.

I used to ride my bike everywhere but there is so much more traffic now and I hear of so many more accidents that I’ve turned into a Wimp. I do miss it! More power to all you bike riders out there!

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