Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


It’s October and the ducks are coming back! These 3, but only 3, were hanging around the shore for awhile today. I think it’s a family of Harlequins- Dad and 2 juveniles. I couldn’t see any Mom. It’s a thrill to see this colorful duck with its unmistakable markings! I got lots of swimming photos but I thank them for standing up all together so I could get their picture together. With the 300mm lens I had a hard time getting them both in focus at once tho. This is f14. f20 didn’t seem any better. Any suggestions for more dof?

There are Pacific and Atlantic harlequins - they breed from Alaska to the Yukon and inland to Wyoming and Montana and like cold fast moving streams. They winter on rocky coasts in the Atlantic and the Pacific as far south as California. They feed by swimming under water for crustaceans, mollusks insects and some small fish. They have very dense feathers that keep their small bodies warm and very bouyant in the cold water. Bobbing ducks.
Histrionicus histrionicus.

One reason we are here now is to meet again with an electrician who very successfully solved a couple of electrical issues here today (H is happy!)- also, got the wifi/internet problem fixed ---so ...a good day all around!

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