The Wren

By TheWren

Sunshine and showers

Energised by my quiet day yesterday while the heavens did their best to submerge the Mull of Kintyre under inches of water, I embarked on another really long 4 hour walk in the hills with the dogs - Bruce was off the lead the whole time and behaved impeccably. It was a fabulous walk and the autumn colours are superb on the hillside, especially the bracken, and indeed appeared to be enhanced by their drenching yesterday. Although most of the views were difficult to capture on camera due to the general mistiness and poor light I did manage to catch this fleeting glimpse of sunshine and showers looking east across to the Cowal peninsular. I was mesmerised as i watched the rain showers passing along the coast line but soon had to spring into action as unfortunately the showers did not remain across the water and once again I was drenched. Luckily this time I had taken the precaution of packing my waterproofs in my rucksack so I was not too damp. My camera again seized up in the damp though and this was the last photo of the day!!

During the walk the ground was really quite boggy in places and it was noticeable how much bigger and faster running the burns were compared to earlier in the week. At one point we had come across a waterfall cascading down the rock into a pool and even Cara, my water baby, was tentative about getting near the force.

The Mull of Kintyre boasts the Kintyre Way which is an excellent waymarked walk criss crossing the entire peninsula and I have enjoyed dipping in and out of it. The Tourist Information produce an extremely informative leaflet to help you to decide where to join the walk, where the route takes you and how far it is in miles until the next point where you can join a road or village. The way is marked by green poles which sport the Kintyre Way Logo which on first glance appears just like a celtic symbol but is actually more than that. It is a landscape view of the hills and valleys reflected in the sea, turned into portrait view.

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