
By fennerpearson


The truth of the matter is this: that even once a daughter has ceased to be a teenager, a call that starts "Are you doing anything on Thursday?" is FAR more likely to concern you and, crucially, your car than, say, a pair of tickets for the cinema or an invitation to dinner.

However, any distraction from packing/unpacking is like gold dust at the moment, so I was only too happy to pick Hannah up from Lancaster station and ferry her to, um, the ferry, which she was taking to visit her boyfriend.

Wisely erring on the side of caution, Hannah took an early train, which left us with some time to spare between arriving in Heysham and the departure of the ferry, so we headed to the beach and had lunch in the little café that overlooks it.

I can't really remember what we talked about although Hannah did laugh a lot, which made for a wonderful lunch; I think making my kids laugh is my favourite thing.

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