
11.6C with grey cloud breaking in the afternoon. Light breeze.

It was very grey today. Not dull, just grey. Maeve the Deerhound and I went for a walk after lunch. We wandered down the field and along the beach. The tide was out.

I found a few bits of pot with blue and was beginning to think that it might be another blip of blue things when I noticed this little character. He was lying on the sand not too far from the Craigmill burn. All dressed for a day out at the beach. I am assuming he since he appears to be wearing swimming trunks.

We took him along to the Fishermen's huts to find a spot where I might get a photo. Maeve was completely uninterested in the little fellow until he was posed for a few photos. Then he was sniffed. Once. There was no one at the huts today. All quiet and locked up.

It has brightened up through the afternoon. The little blipped character has been washed. I might need to find him a name :-)

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