0804 to Leeds


After a short time away, I returned to the streets of Leeds today in the grim hope of capturing a stranger. The weather wasn't looking hopeful so I walked to the main high street and perched myself on a bench, observing the passing public.

Fortunately, I didn't have to wait long until Kate approached round a corner. She didn't have any headphones in which made it easier to catch her attention and explain the project.

She agreed immediately and I guided her to the centre of the street to ensure I didn't get passers-by in the background.

Kate is studying Chemistry, and since I did the same at University we talked at length about the subject and our experiences of it. She asked me how I was doing photography now, and I explained my love of photography and how it was important to exercise my artistic side, which I rarely achieved when I was younger.

I think she understood my meaning and apologised (a very British trait) for having to rush off, and with that Kate rushed off to meet her friend.

Humans of Leeds

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