A moment to breathe

Just for a few minutes, stood outside, looking at the stars and watching the clouds wooshing by.

Reflecting and remembering.

Pondering on what could ultimately be very difficult, painful but might be the right thing.

Relieved that I am not a nutter following feedback from an activity that I have been involved in.

Annoyed that I allowed an angry teenager to briefly rattle me, but grateful for an apology,for my ability to accept it with grace and for being able to explain why the actions were so hurtful.

Grateful for the time spent with Jimbo as I picked him up from his friend's house. For the entertaining descriptions of being chased with chainsaws, dicing with zombies and being high fived in the face by a werewolf (he has been to Spooky World at AppleJacks farm in Stretton). For the belly aching laughs he caused when he described how "scared scousers with tango tans and scouse brows" sound. For the simple joy of sharing the love of the same music and being able to have a decent conversation about the merits of an album we both have discovered.


Lots of them.

More in the offing over the next few days. I am bracing myself for a bit of an emotional rollercoaster and the knowledge that by next Friday I will be exhausted.

Good to see the winter sky returning though - it's my favourite time of the year for star gazing.

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