All is not what it seems


I was sorted the overflowing laundry basket out this morning and this shirt was buried at the bottom. In this picture, it has been soaked for 4 hours in very hot water with a well known stain remover. It doesn't remove stains. Apparently.

I DID panic and think that this was evidence of some bloody encounter that maybe James had been on the receiving end of ...of course it was actually just an explosive red pen. It looked worse this morning.

Busy day getting back on top of the housework. Laundry, cleaning the bathroom (ugh), the kitchen and James room. Watched a documentary about Dave Grohl, read a book (to do with teaching, but because I wanted to not because I had to!). The house was raided by marauding teenagers at teatime - James and 4 of his friends appeared. I cooked Fajitas for 6 of us, one went home before that. They then announced that they were departing to one of their homes to go and have their second tea (Pizza) and to watch a film. I also managed to make some lovely gingercakes, filled with lemon curd and topped with whipped cream (with lemon curd stirred through). Nom nom.

In the meantime, Corin and I have watched the entire 1st series of THe League of Gentlemen ("Welcome to Royston Vasey, you'll never leave"), drunk beer and made the most of the peace.

Now James and his friend Lewis are back, Lew staying for sleepover.

Tomorrow we are going to the interment of my Grandparents over in Liverpool which is going to be difficult - makes it seem final somehow that the house has been cleared by the family this week and then we say goodbye. Still, they are forever in my head and my heart, so they live on in that respect. I have been talking to them both quite a bit, in my head, this week. I don't know if that sounds crazy, but I have been able to hear their voices have a dialogue with me in my head over things that are going on. I know exactly what they would be saying to me.

After that, the focus begins. Prep for my lessons, marking some tests, finishing some book marking and preparing for what is going to be a very busy week ahead.

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