Hello, tiger

I'm so excited. We saw this beautiful male tiger on our early morning drive.

Our warden and driver were so good, listening for warning noises from the sambar deer and the monkeys. We rattled our way over stones and rough terrain to follow him for about 6 k or so. We watched him go into the water, drink, and then saunter off.

He walked along the road in front of us and these shots were my clearest. I

I knew it was good luck when I started a scrabble game with the word "Tiger" Actually, I think this is Norman's birthday present to me. Hope you're sharing it with me.....

Ps : just googled the tiger and Ustad, or Ustaad, is apparently the oldest one in Ranthambore. Quite a few of the other jeeps and canters were not as lucky as we were.

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