Autumn walk
I think we just have to give in in Scotland and admit that it's autumn, and has been for some time. Summer is over - we have to let go.
(Of course my sneaky plan is that I'll be proved wrong and the fates will give us two weeks of glorious weather!)
Conor was back to his speech therapy sessions today, and seems to have come on a lot (despite us not having done any 'homework' over the holidays - obviously we should just leave well alone and let him get on with it.) After school finished, the rain seemed to be holding off, so we headed off to Pressmennan Woods for a walk. Very autumnal: muddy, chilly (fleeces and coats all round), leaves turning brown and, of course, brambles.
Tonight was movie night again: more pizzas and another musical. This time we chose Grease. We chose it on the basis that we saw it when we were about 8, so it would be ok for Katherine to see it, and Conor would just play with trains unless the movie had dinosaurs in. Somehow, along the way, I'd forgotten how racy it is. A few interesting questions were raised (a disdainful "what ARE they doing?" during the Kenickie/Rizzo drive in "broken condom" scene was funny). I did read a wonderful way of dealing with the "Look at me I'm Sandra Dee, Lousy with Virginity" line. You just say it's "Lousy with her gin and tea".
Luckily it didn't come up. I'm not sure I could have kept a straight face.
I'm sure when I was 8 most of the movie sailed straight over my head (I didn't even realise about the pregnancy storyline until I was about 16). So I guess it's the same with Katherine. Still, I'm told that 8 is the time you need to start having 'the talk'.... Eek.
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