Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Stubborn old sod!

What a difference a few days can make.
To look at this photo, it doesn't look like the same man who, four days ago lost a kidney, ureta, spleen, and part of the adrenal gland courtesy of a particularly nasty, aggressive and rapid spreading malignant cancer.

Apart from epilepsy which is well monitored and controlled, and mild cardiac issues (caused by the cancer in his kidney, go figure), dear ol' Dad is in pretty darn good overall health. With that in mind, doctors told him not to expect to be released within a week of his surgery, which would be Monday next week. But the stubborn old sod has been giving his nurses and doctors nervous breakdowns by being Mr. Independent. He was up and walking without assistance within 36 hours, going to the loo and showering by himself soon after that. Hospital staff were convinced that he would cope being released, provided he was staying with someone. "CALL MY DAUGHTER!!!"

So here he is, off his face on the meds, happy to be out of hospital, and with some friendly faces around.... And quite proud of his battle scars. Sometimes, he is a big kid.
But, though the smile was because of the fun meds, it was lovely to see, especially if you flick back to the last blip.

And now we wait. Initial pathology has confirmed the cancer was indeed very malignant, but we won't know until next week as to the metastasis, and what, if any further treatment will be used.

I'm just glad that, even if this surgery won't save him, at least he has some extra time, and it will be quality. Without the surgery, he wouldn't have survived the year.

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