
By Angelique

"Starlight Express,Starlight Express,are you real"

It was like being placed in front of a fire breething dragon!!
The weather today has been superb and as soon as I got home from work today, had lunch, did a load of washing, had to go out into the sunshine. Phoebe had other ideas and tried to cling to her bed with tenacity.

Why she dislikes going out I dont know, but she is always reluctant to venture out. Once I pulled her bed out, she realised I 'meant business'. Once harnessed up, she was fine and soon realised it wasn't bad outside after all.

Because it was Tuesday, I knew my friend Peter Anne would be working at the Stogumber Railway Station, part of the West Somerset Railway which runs from Bishops Lydeard to Minehead. I have deliberately not visited the station garden for some time because I find it quite difficult. For those of you who do not realise, up until the springtime, I had been the gardener at the station for over 2 years and knew every plant, weed, tree and even the robin. But after a difference of opinion, I left. So looking at the condition of the station garden now is quite difficult.

It was good to see my friend, and we were soon joined by her husband Bob, who also works as a volunteer for the railway. They're both lovely people and because they enjoy music, often support my singing escapades down at Milverton Music Club.

Anyway I have digressed, again. Must be getting an old **** (please dont comment, I know my failings). The above, I am reliably informed is a GWR 3850 2-8-0 Heavy Freight Loco weighting 116 tons. 83 built from 1938 to 1942. You have no idea of the heat that comes off the 'beast' as it stands in the station. I could see inside the engine area and the fire was glowing white hot. It was like looking into a glass factory furnace. No wonder the fireman used to boast of cooking their breakfast on the fire shovel. You have seen the engine before (last Thursday I think, from a distance!)

Phoebe is totally used to engines and noise and to take this shot, she had to sit still, without the lead tugging, and I had to trust she wouldn't gallop off.
I had the lead between my knees as I needed two hands but she was very good. She didn't even jump when the whistle blew.

When you have had a cloudless sky like today, it makes you greedy for more but alas, rain is on the schedule for the next few days - grrrrrrr.

So I hope you have all been blessed with good dry, sunny weather and if you haven't, I'm sorry but I wont feel guilty. Your turn will come I'm sure.

Hoping we 'meet again' and in the meantime, thank you for dropping in, reading my ranting, and sharing your comments with me.

Continue to live life to the full, don't waste a precious moment and never take for granted the precious people in your life. I did that, now I haven't seen my eldest son for nearly two years. We all need to be loved and to give love. Without it we become dried up and miserable.
Sleep tight, in peace:))

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